


1. 兒童的屈光不正是否符合其年齡的範圍?(Is the refractive error within the normal range for the child’s age?)
2. 該名兒童的屈光不正是否正視化?(Will this particular child’s refractive error emmetropise?)
3. 兒童的屈光不正是否會影響其正常的視覺發展或功能性視覺?(Will this level of refractive error disrupt normal visual development or functional vision?)
4. 讓兒童戴眼鏡是否能提升其視覺功能或功能性視覺?(Will prescribing spectacles improve visual function or functional vision?)
5. 讓兒童戴眼鏡是否會影響其正常的正視化過程?(Will prescribing glasses interfere with the normal process of emmetropisation?)















散光:若散光超過2.50 D,矯正一半的散光度數

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依然只矯正部分的遠視矯正不足 1.00~1.50D,即此年紀的平均遠視度數,這種矯正不足並非由於正視化(在這個年齡幾乎完成),而是孩童不需完全矯正遠視就有良好的視覺功能。

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因為有時正視化仍在進行,直到學齡,矯正不足0.50 D1.00D

American Academy of Ophthalmology PediatricOphthalmology/Strabismus Panel. PreferredPractice Pattern Guidelines. Amblyopia. SanFrancisco, CA: American Academy of Ophthalmology;2007. Available from: http://www.aao.org/ppp. Accessed on August 27, 2010.


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過去曾有兩份研究探討其結論是遠視(尤其是≧1.00D的遠視)和不良的閱讀技巧相關[7, 8]。特別對於那些有輕微遠視而無法聚焦兒童來說,矯正其遠視能幫助他們閱讀[9]這個結果和本篇研究的結果一致,雖然仍需要更多的研究證實。若您給予兒童較多的遠視矯正度數,每次約4~6周的回診監控是非常迫切需要的,在這段監控期間,視光師應詢問父母親其孩子是否有任何斜視的徵象,並仔細檢查兒童斜視及斜位的變化,此外還要測量兒童的視力及再次驗光。



1. van Rijn, L.J., et al., Spectacles may improve reading speed in children with hyperopia. Optom Vis Sci, 2014. 91(4): p. 397-403.

2. Leat, S.J., To prescribe or not to prescribe? Guidelines for spectacle prescribing in infants and children. Clin Exp Optom, 2011. 94(6): p. 514-527.

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4. Ehrlich, D.L., et al., Infant emmetropization: longitudinal changes in refraction components from nine to twenty months of age. Optom Vis Sci, 1997. 74(10): p. 822-43.

5. Abrahamsson, M. and J. Sjostrand, Natural history of infantile anisometropia. Br J Ophthalmol, 1996. 80(10): p. 860-3.

6. Harvey, E.M., et al., Changes in visual function following optical treatment of astigmatism-related amblyopia. Vision Res, 2008. 48(6): p. 773-87.

7. Simons, H.D. and P.A. Gassler, Vision anomalies and reading skill: a meta-analysis of the literature. Am J Optom Physiol Opt, 1988. 65(11): p. 893-904.

8. Grisham, J.D. and H.D. Simons, Refractive error and the reading process: a literature analysis. J Am Optom Assoc, 1986. 57(1): p. 44-55.

9. Arnold, R.W., Pseudo-false positive eye/vision photoscreening due to accommodative insufficiency. A serendipitous benefit for poor readers? Binocul Vis Strabismus Q, 2004. 19(2): p.




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